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MKD Expands Into Children's + Family Illustration

There is nothing that soothes my soul quite like pairing my graphic design roots + being a mom. Children's illustration has become my absolute passion since having my daughter Ruby.

Photo: MKD Custom Music Posters for Nursery

Historically my focus professionally has always been working with fashion + beauty brands, which made sense for me when I was just a pup. However since Ruby was born, my world looks very different.

Where there was once a designer handbag lays a diaper bag. The stilettos have been packed up, and in their place now lives 'sensible' footwear appropriate for chasing down a toddler. My day is filled with strollers, sippy cups, and children's books. Lots of children's books. I think we average about 25 books a day with Ruby. Daily immersion in those wonderful books sparked something for me. In fact, I have been so inspired by them, it has made me completely rethink my focus as a designer.

Going forward my inspiration is simple. It's my family. I want to create work that my daughter will not only connect with, but will be proud of one day when she looks back at her childhood. Work that will help shape her in a positive way as she grows. And work that will contribute meaningfully to other littles and their parents as well.

It is my intention to produce positive, kid and family-friendly content with the same clean esthetic you have come to expect from Molly Kruse Design. So the next time you have an idea for your little one, I hope you will think of me to help you bring it to life.

Hey, while you are here ... check out my newly redesigned PORTFOLIO spotlighting some of my recent family-friendly work.


If you have a fun idea you are looking to bring

to life - let's talk!



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